(US) is a product of six decades of work with students as they make the transition to college. The advice given here has been proven over and over. Struggling students, who have benefitted from the advice, have gone on to become leaders in their disciplines. Academic careers have been saved with the advice contained on this site.
US is a community of students, parents, teachers, and academic support professionals. Many of the topics were suggested by students, written by students, or modified by students using WIKI technologies.
The parent information has come about from years of working with parents to help them learn their roles as parents of college-age students. Over time, students who have been supported by the content here have become parents and increasingly these parents have become grandparents. US is a cross-generational support for college students.
US is not the product of one person or an organization. It is an open community. Join our community. Suggest topics and features you would like to add. Give us testimonials that show how you used the material. Contribute your artwork to supplement the content..