Helping a Commuter Student
Living on campus certainly has its challenges with dorms and distractions, but commuting students also have challenges. These challenges include:
- Studying at home
- Work with on-campus classmates
- Accessing on-campus learning resources
- Travel issues (time, parking, bad weather)
- Fitting in
Here is some guidance for parents of commuting students.
1. Provide your son/daughter with study time without interruptions
2. If possible, let your son/daughter invite classmates to your home to work together on projects, homework, and studying for tests.
3. Suggest that your student use time between classes to use the learning centers. That way there will be a minimal need for return trips to campus in the evening.
4. Find private parking that can be leased by the month or the semester.
5. Ask your student to find a friend he/she can stay overnight with should the weather be bad.
6. Encourage your student to enjoy the social side of college. In order to break away from your high school parent habits. Ask your student to develop a set of “house rules” that guide the relationship between your student and you. For example; “What time should the student be home by?” Generally when students set these rules, they are more likely to be followed without argument.
Commuting students have challenges and unless care is taken they could suffer academically. As a parent of a commuting student, you will have more influence over those challenges than a college parent would normally have..