Deciding to do a Minor
College students often have a variety of interests. Although they choose to major in one subject, they would like to take courses in another subject. If this describes you, you may want to consider doing a minor. A minor typically consists of 15-21 credit hours in a subject other than your major.
In some cases, you can count some of the courses in your minor as courses for your major as well. Some students choose to do multiple minors.
Generally minors consist of two types: a topic of real interest to you or a topic that supports your major. Often a minor can be of real interest to a future employer because it shows the range of interests you have.
Deciding on doing a minor is difficult unless you talk to advisors or professors. Your advisor will help you set up a schedule that supports both your major and minor. Parents and high school teachers can also help you with your decision. The main thing to think about is if there is something that interests you in a way that you want to go outside of your major to study. Whether your minor has a connection with your major or not, it’s something nice to have as part of your college experience. Don’t hesitate to set up appointments with advisors or professors to talk it over. Completing a minor includes doing extra classes, some will fulfill your major course requirements but not all will. Be prepared to do extra work to obtain a minor. Generally the courses in your minor can be fit into your schedule and you will still have plenty of time to work on your major required classes as well.
If the minor you plan on pursuing has some sort of club, it would be a good idea to get involved. That’s a huge plus since you’re meeting new people and, you’ll have people who are willing to talk about their experience in classes that you plan to take in later semesters. .