Making the Most of the Summer
Most coaches expect their athletes to stay on campus during the summer. This may make it difficult for you to realize the opportunities that other students have (e.g. internships, study abroad). This is simply a fact of life and something you will have to accept if you want to retain your athletic scholarship.
There are some things you can do to add value to your summer.
- Take 1-2 of your tougher classes in the summer. This will lighten up your load during the regular semester.
- Consider doing a minor. You may be able to take some of the courses for a minor over the summer.
- Ask a representative of the athletic department about doing an internship at a local company. Often you can do an internship and meet your practice requirements over the summer.
- Use the summer to develop yourself in professional areas where you have weaknesses. Examples might include goal setting, time management, communications, initiative taking, and creative thinking.
If you approach the summer as simply meeting the minimum requirements of your athletic scholarship, you are doing yourself a disservice.