Presenting The Results From Your Internship
Many organizations ask you to do a presentation at the end of your internship. These can be very important because they can be used to decide on whether to extend a job offer to you. Typically these will be PowerPoint presentations in front of key managers in the business as well as other interns. The company may have a format to be used, but if they don’t, outlined below is a format you may find useful.
Page 1: Title Page
- Give the name of you presentation, your name. Include also the logos of your employer and your university.
Page 2: Your Personal Background
- Provide information on where you are from, what you are studying, your career plans, and your personal interests.
Page 3: Your Internship Activities
- Provide a bullet list of all the things you did as a part of your internship.
Page 4: Project Background
- Select one major activity for the summer. Describe what the issue was and the outcome that was desired.
Page 5: Project Approach
- Describe the things you did to resolve the issue described on page 4
Page 6: Project Findings
- Describe what you found when you examined the issue further
Page 7: Project Recommendations
- Describe what you believe should be done to achieve the desired outcome
Page 8: Results-to-date
- Describe what (if anything) has already been done to achieve the desired outcome
Page 9: Potential Impact
- Describe the potential impact of your recommendations
Page 10: What You Gained from the Internship
- Describe how you personally benefitted from the internship
Page 11: Thank Yous
- Give thanks by showing the names of specific people who were helpful to you. Make sure to credit hourly level or lower level employees who were helpful but rarely get credit.
If there is no time limit given for the presentation, try to do it in five minutes. You should also do a couple of practice presentations before you do the live presentation.