Anonymous 4
My biggest problem before this semester is class attendance. I have developed a reward system for myself to motivate me to go to class. Each week that I go to every class, on that Friday, I go to the vintage video gram store and buy a game. I really do enjoy collecting old video games so I have a strong motivation to attend class each day. I have also improved on getting my homework finished earlier than the day before it is due. I try very hard to get the homework that is assigned to me finished on the day it is assigned. I use all of my time between classes to work on homework and study for tests now. I still have a couple different things that I am working on still. Note taking being one. Whenever I am in class, I tend to listen to the teachers lecture more than taking on it because I am afraid of missing something important. I have begun to record each lecture now and try to go back and make notes. I also have problems studying at home because of television and games. This is going away slowly though because I have developed some self-discipline..