Knowing Your Role in the Scheduling Process
One of the most intimidating things a student will do prior to going to college will be to develop a class schedule. For some majors, the class schedule is mostly fixed by required courses. In other cases, the schedule is fairly open.
Students will meet with advisors who will help them determine the classes they need to take. In most cases, these advisors are very good at helping students determine a schedule that they can be successful with.
What’s the role for parents in this scheduling process? The answer is: as little as possible. Parents can generally just complicate an already complicated scheduling process. There’s very little that you can do to learn the intricacies of scheduling so you need to trust the advisors.
After the freshman fall semester, scheduling becomes less hectic. Again your student will be guided by an advisor. What you might do is to check off courses on a curriculum sheet to ensure your student is making progress in achieving a degree. It doesn’t take long for students to become very proficient at scheduling..